Setting Priorities Transparently

In our country, one person had sole discretion for prioritizing the legislative agenda. Now, thanks to a proposal drafted during the workshop, elected officials prioritize our law-making agenda to address pressing issues first.

De-polarizing the Process

Before the training, public hearings lasted for hours, tempers flared, and meetings accomplished little. When we restructured our hearings in accordance with the problem-solving method, hearings only lasted 30 minutes. Not only that, but we received valuable input and the participants thanked us for doing such a good job and being responsive to their concerns.

Gathering Facts for Informed Decisions

The Parliament unanimously voted to develop a parliamentary research center. Unanimously. Now the parliamentarians can access the facts needed to assess bills.

A Sustainable Approach Trainers Embrace

The program participants have gone on to lead workshops throughout the country. They are very enthusiastic about the method — and their workshops are being well received. Success!